

Caterpillars (2-3 yrs old)

We follow our children’s interests and share home experiences to contribute to this alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage. All of our learning is play-based, and our knowledgeable toddler staff support and extend children’s learning to further develop your child’s knowledge and understanding. This is evident in our planning and adult/child-led activities we carry out daily.

Routine is important for the children to understand what is expected of them and what is going to happen next and to feel safe and secure in their environment.

Toddler Routine
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Messy Play

Children are encouraged to participate in numerous different planned and spontaneous activities, messy activities which allows toddlers to explore mark making materials such as crayons, pencils, chalks, cotton wool and paint to engage in a wide range of creative activities. The staff engage with the toddlers through the provision of a variety of activities that stimulate a wide range of their senses and support active involvement on the part of the child as well as enhancing their development.

Role Play

The Roleplay area helps to stimulate children to use their imaginations and create both everyday and fantasy worlds in familiar surroundings through the use of small world toys e,g, vehicles and animals as well as dressing up costumes. Our breadth of toys in the Toddler room increases to include appropriate puzzles and maths games to encourage counting and exploration of shapes and colours.

Language and Development

Toddlers are free to explore and investigate at every opportunity. We extend and encourage language, new words and vocabulary and also focus on forming friendships and supporting children how to play. We share the same garden as the preschool room which has many resources and equipment to expand and engage their minds and imaginary play. 

Our Resources

All toys and resources accessible by children encourage independence through self selection choices. This is also demonstrated during snack times as we encourage the children to pour and select their own drink and fruit. In relation to this we develop the children’s health and self care with a wash basin to encourage children to wash their hands and highlight the importance of hygiene. We have toilet and nappy changing facilities available which allows us to promote and encourage toilet training. We like to support and work in partnership with parents to provide you with information about our toileting routine to help at home and ensure we are all working towards the same achievement. 

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